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Contractor’s Pollution Liability

Comprehensive coverage for contractors against pollution releases.

Why Choose AIG for Contractor’s Pollution Liability?

Contractors are exposed to a wide variety of liabilities imposed by regulatory authorities and/or the contractual requirements of individual clients. What’s more, gradual pollution conditions may become evident long after a project is completed – leaving contractors and property owners suddenly liable many months or even years later.

The flexibility of AIG’s environmental impairment coverage can accommodate a large selection of businesses with operational processes including, but not limited to, construction projects, property developers, chemical manufacturers, power producers, printers, metal fabricators, laboratories, as well as educational establishments, medical centers, retailers and real estate.

The AIG Advantage

AIG Contractor’s Pollution Liability Solutions

Contractors Pollution Liability is designed to cover environmental liabilities arising from a contractor's operations caused by the introduction of new pollution conditions or the exacerbation of existing pollution conditions. It provides comprehensive solution for contractors against sudden, accidental and gradual pollution releases.

Contractors’ Pollution Liability policy features:

  • Third party bodily injury and property damage coverage
  • On and off-site clean-up coverage
  • Legal defense coverage
  • Contract-specific or blanket cover options

When you buy insurance from AIG, you can have confidence that we stand ready to help you recover quickly when the unexpected happens. The claims operation that underpins every AIG policy is one of our greatest strengths, with a strong local claims team backed by our global network of expertise to support you when you face a loss.

For claims associated with Contractor’s Pollution Liability, please reach out to your insurance broker to assist you. Or, you may contact us at:
Phone: +63 2 8 878 5456
Find below to learn about the necessary documents needed in order to submit a claim.

The Insured must:

  • Give immediate notice to the Company with full particulars which includes copies of Incident Report, summons/complaint and other pertinent documents;
  • Act as prudently uninsured and take all steps within its power to minimize the loss or damage;
  • In all instances, never admit nor repudiate liability, negotiate or make any admission, offer promises or payment in connection with any incident or accident or claim without the written prior consent of the Company.
  • Cooperate with the authorized representative of the Company in the conduct of investigation.
  • Allow the Company to have complete control in the conduct of negotiation and settlement of any claim.
  • Refer all letters and communications to the Company without either admitting liability or attempting to repudiate.
  • Submit all necessary documents

Points to consider:

  • Casualty Insurance Policy cover is triggered by occurrence of third party bodily injury and/or third party property damage.
  • In case an occurrence is considered a covered claim, the defense cost is also triggered; subject to the Policy’s Terms and Conditions.

How claim is settled?

  • Settlements are usually based on the actual cost incurred in the treatment of third party bodily injury or cost of repair/reinstatement of damaged third party property to its original state prior to the incident.
  • Financial loss suffered by a third party following an occurrence, subject to presentation of relevant documents
  • Awards and/or consequential consideration as ordered by the Court, excluding uninsurable award/s.
  • Any award/compensation/settlement agreed by all parties.